Teleflora’s Treasured Lillies


Celebrate the light they brought into your life with this bright, beautiful spray of lilies and gerberas in sunshiny shades of peach and orange. A truly uplifting addition to the memorial service.
  • This glorious spray includes peach asiatic lilies, orange gerberas, orange carnations, peach stock and white cushion spray chrysanthemums, accented with flat cedar, leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf.
SKU: TFLSTRSLLS008 Categories: , Tags: ,

Additional Notes

The arrangement is offered in a variety of tiers to suit your budget and taste:

Standard: A bouquet of the highest quality and freshest flowers will be delivered approximately as pictured.
Deluxe: Additional flowers will be added to enhance the bouquet and wow factor.
Premium: For the most discerning eye, we will add even more blooms and greenery to elevate the presentation and appearance

Please Note:

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

We hand-design each arrangement selecting only the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to season and local availability.

Flowers may arrive in various stages of development. The blooms will continue to open over the next 2-3 days, extending both the life of the arrangement and your recipient's enjoyment.

We may have to substitute some flowers and containers due to availability challenges, but we will strive to maintain the look and feel of your choice.


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